React.js Conf 2016 Highlights - Day 2

Following my first day of highlights, here are my highlights of day 2 of React.js Conf 2016.


Exponentjs takes the best of developing for the web to native mobile development. It’s a more packaged up solution to Microsoft’s Code Push. It wraps up the build, deploy and update process.


GL-react brings Open GL & Web GL to React. Really impressive effects to images and content that are really performant.


Netflix have their own data fetching library that they use in their apps. Interesting alternative to GraphQL & Relay from Facebook.


Graphene is a python library that’s used for building GraphQL schemas and types.

React-Native tools demo

There was a good demo of the react-native performance tools showing performance monitor from JS Core and Systrace to record interactions to find issues, bottlenecks and where they are occurring.

Obfuscating your React app

There was an interesting lightning talk on obfuscating your code using react-armor to hide the class or component name to stop say ad-blockers ruining your layout.

Enzyme testing utilities

Enzyme a JS testing utility for React from the team at AirBnB. It mimics the jQuery API to make DOM traversal and manipulation easier when testing your React components output. They just released a React-native mock to help testing on mobile.
