New Zealand's Cheapest Mobile Plans

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Up until 2 Degrees Mobile entered the market mobile plans between the then Telecom (now Spark) & Vodafone where some of the most expensive in the world. When they entered the market I gladly switched to them, and got to keep my data when they at the time where the only telco’s with “roll over data”.

I happily stayed with them until I was enticed to switch to Spark simply because they bundled Spotify Premium with my monthly prepay pack of $19. I suffered through no data roll over simply for uninterrupted all I could listen music. Well unfortunately the good times can’t last forever and Spark decided to cut my plan come the 15th of April.

So in the time I’ve been on Spark the landscape has changed in mobile. Spark finally offer roll over data combos. Skinny is battling with the likes of 2Degrees, and we now have the MVNO of Warehouse Mobile.

Before I committed to changing I decided to survey the landscape and work out what is the cheapest mobile plan/combo I could buy. I’ve learnt first hand I can get away with about 250mb of data a month as that was usually all I used for the last 6 months or more and I barely use more than 10 minutes of call time each month. That’s right I’m probably a telco’s worst customer ever. My data and minute usage is so low due to the fact I’m rarely without Wi-Fi and I’m not a social media user anymore.

In the end I went with Warehouse Mobile and a combination of minutes and data packs for a total of $8 a month. I have plenty of minutes (200) and enough data (500MB) to get through the month. As a bonus because they are on the 2Degrees network you get Wi-Fi calling on compatible phones.

Telco Price Days Minutes Texts Data Rollover Extras
2Degrees - $9 Carryover Combo $9 1 Month 50 minutes to NZ & Aus Unlimited to NZ & Aus 250MB Yes - Minutes & Data Data hour Wi-Fi Calling
Skinny - $9 Plan $9 28 days 100 minutes Unlimited to NZ & Aus 250MB No  
Spark - $19 Prepaid Value Pack $19 28 days 200 minutes Unlimited to NZ 1.25GB Yes - Minutes & Data 1/2 Price Spotify Free 1GB Wi-Fi per day
Vodafone - My Flex Prepay $13 28 days 50 minutes 50 250MB No  
Warehouse Mobile - $12 Combo $12 31 days 200 minutes to NZ & Aus Unlimited to NZ & Aus 500MB Yes - Data Wi-Fi Calling Free calling & text for WM to WM*
Warehouse Mobile - Pick'n Go pack 200 mins $4 31 days 200 minutes to NZ & Aus     No Wi-Fi Calling Free calling & text for WM to WM*
Warehouse Mobile - Pick'n Go pack 500MB $4 31 days     500MB Yes Free calling & text for WM to WM*
Warehouse Mobile - Pick'n Go pack 1.25GB $8 31 days     1.25GB Yes  
Kogan Mobile Small $17.90 30 days Unlimited Unlimited 1.5GB No  

Last updated: 24th September 2019

An important point to watch out for is Spark, Skinny and Vodafone cheap plans are only 28 days.

* With active credit, pack or combo.
