React.js Conf 2016 Highlights - Day 1

While I may not have attended day 1 of React.js Conf today, I did get to listen to the conference live streamed from San Francisco. Here are my short cherry picked highlights of things that I thought were cool.


Draft.js was announced from Facebook. It’s a rich text editor framework for React that uses Immutable.js. It’s fully customisable and should scale from a simple multiline input to a full text editor.

React Native Tools for VS Code

React Native Tools for my favourite text editor VS Code was announced today. It’s available as a preview. It supports Intellisense for React Native and debugging code.

Continuous Integration and Code Push for React Native

Microsoft have added continuous integration for React Native to Visual Studio Team Services, combined with Code Push. Now just like in web development, updates can simply be pushed live avoiding the app store/play store update process.

Oy - email template tools for React

A collection of utilities for email templates was demoed.

Nuclide React Native Tools demoed

Nuclide a package for Atom editor was “demoed” showing the packager, debugger and inspector.

Realm for React-Native

Realm the mobile database is now available for React-Native.

See my second day highlights.
