Post-analysis of a competition

Bitly stats for the competition
Bitly stats for the competition

After the disappointing loss of the wedding competition for my fiancé and myself I thought it would be interesting to do some post analysis of the stats.

My last check of the results before they were hidden were 1421 vs 1576 to the other couple.

I used the short link service bitly with a custom url of and collected some stats. We had 457 clicks of that link.

Bitly link clicks
Bitly link clicks

We had 71% of our links followed from New Zealand no surprise there from a total of 457 clicks. Of them not surprisingly 182 were from Facebook, but of those Facebook users 65 were from mobile. Looks like Facebook’s big push to mobile is starting to pay off. The majority of clicks were from email or IM with 243.

We were pretty lucky to get some high profile tweets from the like of Weller Hauraki and also got a retweet from runner up Whenua Patuwai from X Factor.

Both Lorena and I were amazed by the support from family and friends. They went to so much effort and we are both so grateful for everyone’s efforts.
