Rapid prototyping tools for front end devs

Some great looking tools for rapid prototyping. With these tools you can quickly get your designs on to multiple devices.

Marvel #

Marvel is a great tool that leverages Dropbox for creating web and mobile prototypes. You can use the tools your familiar with like Photoshop or Sketch by Bohemian Coding. Simply create some screenshots (or just use PSDs) and you can quickly add some hot spots and click through your mockups. They also have an iPhone app that lets you take photos of your rough hand drawn wireframes and build a mockup quickly on your phone.

Marvel on vimeo

Check out my review - Create a rapid prototype with Marvel

Mixture #

A great looking tool for rapid prototyping. It’s works with Mac and Windows. Supports HTML and Liquid for the templating and LESS and SASS/Compass support looks very cool. Its like a whole development stack created for front end devs. Looking forward to trying this out.


.Net magazine have a quick review

WebFlow #

A tool for creating responsive designs in the browser. Not open to the public yet but have a nice interactive demo you can play with.

Vimeo of WebFlow

Webflow User Interface Tutorial from Vlad Magdalin on Vimeo



Adobe Reflow #

Adobe’s tool for creating responsive designs.

Adobe Reflow

Divshot #

A drag and drop mockup tool that’s also a code editor.


Typecast #

A typography web design tool.

Typecast on Vimeo

Typecast - Experiment with Type from Typecast on Vimeo


Froont #

A fast web design prototype tool.


Jetstrap #

An interface building tool for Bootstrap.


Omnigraffle #

A Mac and iPad apps for creating graphic documents at draft detail right up to high fidelity wireframes. You can sync your app between desktop and iPad. Start by simply getting ideas to screen on your iPad and finish up your wireframe on the desktop.

Omnigraffle on Vimeo

OmniGraffle 6 for Mac and OmniGraffle iPad app

UX Pin #

A great web based tool for making quick responsive prototypes with collaboration tools like real time chat.

UX Pin

Antetype #

A visual responsive application design prototyping tool. Great for making high fidelity UI’s with Antetype’s widget based layout tool. You can very quickly put together a prototype for your client that looks amazing.

Antetype on Vimeo


Cactus for Mac #

Cactus for Mac is a tool that saves you the hassle of setting up an environment for development. With support for SASS/SCSS and Coffescript that runs with Django (Python) templating. It generates static HTML that you can export or even push in app to Amazon S3 hosting.

Cactus for Mac

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